I am a second year Graduate Student at the University of Colorado, Boulder where work on impactful and humanitarian applications of Deep Learning and Computer Vision to fields such as GIS and HCI. Prior to my graduate studies, I worked with Facebook’s Connectivity Labs as a Software Engineer with Dr. Ramesh Raskar and Dr. Ilke Demir. You can learn more about our work at research.fb.com/robocodes.

Currently, I am a graduate researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS) advised by Dr. Leanne Hirshfield. My research at ICS lies at the intersection of Cognitive Science and Deep Learning [1] [2].

Moreover, I also work with Dr. Michael John Willis investigating the effects of climate change on permafrost and snow cover in Antarctica with using accelerated routines for Computer Vision using CUDA.

You can reach out to me at kaunil.dhruv@colorado.edu. Here is my resume.